Thursday, 5 September 2013

Good morrow, fair internet!

Greetings, and welcome to the Derf Comic Cannery. My name is Derf McDerf, I'll be your master of ceremonies for this heedless endeavour I find myself on, the goal of that endeavour being to give you, the people, more useless shit with which you can fill your respective daily voids.

Slow day at work?

Spare course slot in your education program?

Waiting for the doctor to examine that strange growth on your thigh?

Whatever the case may be, it is my intention to be your accomplice in the killing of time. Let it be known that the Derf Comic Cannery and all its subsidiaries make no promises of amusement, intrigue, or any other thing whatever fuck you. Our product merely exists to fill in the spaces between meals if you get my drift and I think you do.

That said, we're off to a slow start. Our money is currently tied up in stocks and bonds and other buzzwords. You understand. Fret not though, for we plan to be up and running by October and churning out product regularly by mid-November. In the meantime be well and delight yourself with this happy little greeting flower at the end of this post.

             Derf McDerf.                                                         
President, CEO, Janitor, etc. of the Derf Comic Cannery